Hey Scholars,
Happy first day of fall! Our Instagram page @Scholarly_Pursuits will be rolling out a new series called Scholarly Writing. You won’t see “Scholarly Writing” at the top of every post like you do for our Scholar Glossary series, but #ScholarlyWriting will be somewhere in the caption so you know it’s part of the series. Our Scholarly Writing series offers tools and tips to help you become better writers. Let’s be honest here. No matter how many degrees you have or how many papers you’ve published, you can always improve your writing. I know I can.
To kick of the Scholarly Writing IG series, I wanted to share one of my favorite writing resources: Grammarly. Grammarly is a free (!!!) writing app that proofreads your text. Grammarly goes beyond the auto-correcting and light proofreading that come standard on mobile devices. It’s really helpful for missing words, misused words, and making suggestions for clarity. I don’t know about you all, but much of my writing these days is on the go. I don’t get on my laptop until it is absolutely necessary for my efficiency, so I appreciate the proofreading opportunities that Grammarly gives me from my phone and tablet. Also, Grammarly will proofread nearly any text you make on your device–it could be on social media, Canva, Microsoft Word, etc. Of course, you will still need to do your own review of your text (you’re not getting off that easily lol) to check for errors, but Grammarly is a big help.
Check out Grammarly here. Let me know what you think of it! And follow us on IG to see our first #ScholarlyWriting post!
-Dr. D.